Boundless Way Zen Temple offers daily meditation at seven locations in the northeast U.S. and Europe. Please see the list below for links and information. These practice opportunities are in-person, online, or a combination of online and in-person.
Each location opens 15 minutes before a practice period begins. Please arrive 15 minutes early for an orientation if you are new to the practice location or to Zen or meditation practice. See Getting Started for more information.
If you plan to attend in person, note that all participants are welcome, but please join us on Zoom if you are not feeling well or have recently had contact with someone who is positive for COVID.
There is no charge for weekly practice periods or dokusan. However, donations (dana) of any amount are gratefully accepted. All donations are used to pay for the rent and maintenance of facilities and to support the work of Boundless Way Zen Temple. You may also choose to contribute regularly by becoming a member of the Temple.
Worcester Temple: Online and in-person. 1030 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA.
Copenhagen, Denmark: Online and in-person. Enten-Eller, Carl Ploughs vej. 4C, 1913 Frederiksberg C. For information, visit Copenhagen Zen.
Islesboro Community Zen: In-person only, during the summer months. Pendleton Point Road 103, Islesboro, ME. For more information, visit Islesboro Community Zen.
Northampton: In-person only. 220 Main Street, Northampton, MA. For information, visit Boundless Way Northampton.
Pittsburgh: Online only. For more information, visit Boundless Way Zen Pittsburgh.
Sky Flower: Online only. For information about talks and dokusan, visit Sky Flower Zen.
Snow Mountain: Online only. For more information about talks and “Introduction to Zen Practices,” visit Snow Mountain Zen.
Please see our full schedule for the dates and times each practice location meets.Download our Liturgy Book.