Securing the Future For Those Who Come After Us
The Maitreya Society, Fund for the Future offers a way for practitioners to provide stable and long-term support to Boundless Way through direct contributions and planned giving. Since our inception, we have made great progress toward fulfilling our mission of being a vital center for Zen practice for our community and beyond. We provide a site for residential retreat opportunities as well as support the development of Dharma leaders. We are also a well-established center of daily meditation and activity for the local community.
As we appreciate our current success, we also look to the future, to help ensure that the Boundless Way Zen Temple is available not just for us and those around us, but for those who come after us. The Fund for the Future serves as a resource to support the health and growth of the Temple as we move forward, and to help sustain the work of Boundless Way Zen Temple long after we’re gone.
We invite you to help us support this initiative by making a planned gift to Boundless Way Zen Temple, and becoming a charter member of our Maitreya Society. As a member of this community of supporters, you commit to investing in the future of the Dharma through a legacy gift to Boundless Way Zen Temple. You will not only realize tax benefits, but you will also know that you left a permanent legacy helping to ensure an ongoing community of practitioners and teachers, who are vital, loving, and fully engaged in the world of family, work, and community, is sustained.
A Together Practice
The beauty of planned giving is that it is a “together practice.” Its power derives not so much from any single gift, but from the pooling of many gifts, both large and small. As part of the Temple Fund for the Future, your gift will help to generate dividends. This dependable source of funds will allow the Temple to continue to grow and change with the needs of the community.
Your planned gift to Boundless Way Zen Temple may be made in several ways:
- Life Insurance: Name Boundless Way Zen Temple as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy.
- Retirement Assets: Name Boundless Way Zen Temple as a beneficiary of your pension plan or IRA.
- Bequests: Set aside a gift for Boundless Way Zen Temple in your will or living trust.
Sample Bequest Language:
A general bequest: “I give the sum of_______ dollars ($_____) to Boundless Way Zen Temple, of Worcester, Massachusetts, for its general purpose and use.”
A residuary bequest: “I give _______ percent (___%) of the residue of my estate to Boundless Way Zen Temple, of Worcester, Massachusetts, for its general purpose and use.”
About the Fund
The funds donated to the Fund for the Future are held by Boundless Way Zen Temple in a segregated investment account. The funds are invested with a socially responsible investment instrument under the stewardship of the Temple Leadership Council. The Council is charged with using this resource for the long-term benefit of the Temple. Any use of the funds requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Temple Leadership Council.
This resource can be used to fund projects such as:
- Capital improvements on the Temple
- Expansion of facilities or programs
- Scholarship support for developing Dharma leaders
- Sponsoring events that would bring other Buddhist leaders together at the Temple
- Outreach to open the Dharma to a wider audience within our community and beyond
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
You can help ensure that Boundless Way Zen Temple remains a place of beauty and practice for all those who come after us. Through planned giving to Boundless Way Zen Temple’s Fund for the Future, you can make a unique gift: one that keeps on giving. Your gift joins those of others, to create a larger pool of funds. Those who add Boundless Way Zen Temple to their wills or estate plans will be gratefully acknowledged through XYZ unless they wish to remain anonymous.
Like ripples in a pond, that pool can generate a continual flow of income to support the work of the Temple. Long after your physical body is gone, your bodhisattva work will continue to support the awakening of all beings.
Boundless Way Zen Temple is a religious public charity, which is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.