About Boundless Way Zen Temple
1030 Pleasant St. Worcester MA 01602 508-304-7165 boundlessway.org
Boundless Way Zen Temple has lineage roots in Japanese Soto and Korean Linji. We offer the ancient Zen disciplines of breath practice, just sitting (shikantaza) and koan introspection.
Our Mission
The mission of Boundless Way Zen Temple is to support a vibrant and inclusive Zen Buddhist practice for ourselves, for those around us and for those who follow us by:
- Sustaining a dedicated site for residential Zen retreats, training and special events, and daily practice;
- Establishing and supporting local practice groups (sanghas);
- Training Dharma teachers and practice leaders; and
- Supporting engaged Buddhist practice.
The central value is to develop the realization of non-duality and its compassionate actualization in everyday life.
Boundless Way Zen Temple is guided by Melissa Myōzen Blacker, Rōshi and David Dae An Rynick, Rōshi. They are assisted by teachers in training and senior students.
Our teachers and senior students offer guidance in traditional Zen practices. We are dedicated to helping every student find a meditation practice that fits their unique personality and deepest intention for awakening. We are committed to the continuing work of integrating our practice into daily life. In addition to opportunities for individual study with teachers, we offer daily meditation, retreats (sesshin), classes, and workshops at the Temple and at our satellite practice groups.
Boundless Way Zen Temple welcomes people of any cultural and religious background, race, socio-economic class, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical ability, and age. Our only requirement is the ability to remain still and silent during formal meditation periods.
The Organization
Boundless Way Zen Temple is the result of the merger of two previously separate organizations: Boundless Way Zen and Boundless Way Temple.
The physical location of the Temple and the organization is in Worcester, MA, USA, and also includes satellite practice groups (sanghas) in physical locations in the US and Europe as well as on Zoom.
Boundless Way Zen Temple is a non-profit religious organization established under Massachusetts law, which means that it can own property and be bound by contract to pay money for services or property. It is governed by its Guiding Teachers and by an elected Leadership Council
Daily operations and projects are made possible through financial donations from members, friends, and visitors. Contributions pay for ongoing expenses such as occupancy, utilities, supplies, and support for our satellite practice groups. Because it is also a religious organization under federal tax law, donations are tax deductible. As a distinct school of Zen, Boundless Way Zen Temple provides all of the satellite groups with shared forms of Zen practice and a shared liturgy (as determined by its Guiding Teachers Council), with important overarching policies such as its widely emulated Ethics Policy, and with coordination of its various satellite groups through the work of its Leadership Council.